Linux Sysadmin Test Prep

Downloading and Archiving Files

Downloading and Archiving Files



  • Quiet

wget -q <address>

  • Not verbose (mostly quite)

wget -nv <address>

  • Chagne name

wget -O <filename> <address>

  • Download multiple URLs

wget <address> <address>

  • create file.txt with links (one per line)

wget -i file.txt

  • Throttle download speeds

wget --limit-rate 400k <address>

  • Resume download

wget -c <address>

  • Download in the background

wget -b <address>


  • Mirror website
-mturn on mirroring
-kmake links suitable for local browsing
-w <sec>wait n seconds between each download
-lmaximum level of recursion
-rdownload recursively
--spiderspider mode
  • Log output to a file

wget -o file.log -r -l 3 --spider <address> wget -a file.log <address>

-ooutput to a file
-aappend output to a file
  • Find broken links

grep -B 2 '404' file.log | grep "http" | cut -d " " -f 4 | sort -u

  • Change user agent

wget -U '<string>' <address>

  • View response headers

wget -S --spider <address>

  • Add username and password

wget ‐‐http-user=daniel ‐‐http-password=JZXGAo34mz <address>

  • Save cookies

wget ‐‐cookies=on ‐‐save-cookies cookies.txt ‐‐keep-session-cookies ‐‐post-data 'user=daniel&password=JZXGAo34mz' <address>

  • Load cookies

wget ‐‐cookies=on ‐‐load-cookies cookies.txt ‐‐keep-session-cookies <address>


  • Create a directory in / called LinuxTestDrills/downloads.
    • The rest of the Quiz should be done in this folder. Remove files that are not part of the instructions if you make a mistake.
  1. Download and save it as awesome.svg
  2. Download concatenate and into a single file called links.
  3. Download the sites in links. Open index.html with a web browser and click on one of the links.
  4. Mirror with one level of recursion with links that you can browse it from your computer. Open it with a browser and click around.
  5. Finish downloading with full recursion, and click around again.
  6. Download and
  7. Execute the command quizFiles/quiz wget


tar -cf files.tar ​files/ (create tar from dir)

tar tvf files.tar (list files in tar)

tar --delete -f files.tar file (deletes file from tar)

tar --update -f files.tar file (adds file to tar)

tar -jcf files.tar.bz2 files.tar (create bz2 from tar)

tar -Jcf files.tar.xz files/ (create tar.xz from dir)

unzip -d files/ (unzip to dir)

tar xf files.tar.bz2 -C <DIR> --same-permissions (extract to dir)

wget file.tar.xz -O - | tar xz (Download and extract)


  1. Archive LinuxTestDrills/downloads into a file LinuxTestDrills/archives/downloads.tar.
  2. List the files in LinuxTestDrills/archives/downloads.tar to make sure you have only the correct files.
  3. Download the file at to LinuxTestDrills/downloadsand extract it into /LinuxTestDrills, in a single command, maintaining original ownership. You can change ownership as needed during the drills.
  4. Add LinuxTestDrills/downloads/testFiles.tar.xz into LinuxTestDrills/archives/downloads.tar and delete everything in the folder LinuxTestDrills/downloads.
  5. Compress LinuxTestDrills/archives/downloads.tar with bz2, xz, and zip. Look at the resulting files.
  6. Run quizFiles/
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